The Child Nutrition Program provides meal service to all children enrolled in the CFCS Early Childhood Learning Centers and School Age Child Care Programs.
The primary goal of the Child Nutrition Program is to provide nutritious, well balanced meals that foster healthy eating habits that enable children to improve their overall health and nutrition.
The program operates 12 months out of the year and provides breakfast, lunch and a PM snack to all enrolled participants on a daily basis.
Participation in the program is free for all enrolled children regardless of the family’s financial status.
* El Mundo De Colores (A World of Colors)
* El Mundo Del Niño ( A Child’s World)
* Friendship Corner II
Through 2018, the Child Nutrition Program provided approximately 93,000 meals to the 426 unduplicated enrolled participants. In 2018, the Child Nutrition Program provided approximately 169,500 meals to the 668 unduplicated enrolled participants.
Currently all food is prepared by CFCS kitchen staff located in The Father English Community Center.
All prepared meals must adhere to the New Jersey State Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines.
Program funding is provided by the State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Paterson Public School District and Agency subsidy.
44 Ward Street
Paterson, NJ 07501
Phone: (973) 523-0919
Director: Michelle Zarife
[email protected]