Straight & Narrow has partnered with as our remote telemedicine solution. allows remote video conferncing with clients, potential clients and client's families using doxy's secure end-to-end encrypted HIPAA complaint solution. By using high level encryption between you and our staff you can rest assured your communication is safe and secure, no recordings of the video session are made.
Doxy works on nearly all devices, windows computer using chrome or firefox (must have web cam), mac computers using chrome or firefox, iphone and ipad using the iphone app from the app store, android phones and tablets using chrome, macbooks and windows laptops
You can access Doxy from all of the devices listed above by simply visiting the SN Doxy site:
and simply enter the room name you are provided.
If you are using an iphone or ipad you may be prompted to install the Doxy app from the Apple App Store.
Tutorial Video
Iphone or Ipad: Tutorial for connecting to a session from an iphone or ipad as a client/family member