Our Links and Resources page is a great place to find information you may need to help you.
Catholic Service Links
Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) – The mission of Catholic Charities is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same.
Catholic Heart Workcamp – The mission of Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHW) is to “share the love of Christ as we serve the neglected, brokenhearted and the marginalized in any way needed.” CHW provides volunteer services for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson annually.
Catholic Relief Services – Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. They are motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching as they act to promote human development and serve Catholics in the United States.
Knights of Columbus – The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic, fraternal service organization. The Knights have helped raise millions of dollars for Catholic Charities since the 1930's and have donated thousands of hours of community service.
National Catholic Partnership on Disability - Rooted in Gospel values that affirm the dignity of every person, the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) works collaboratively to ensure meaningful participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of the life of the Church and society.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson - The Diocese of Paterson includes three counties and helps serve over 425,000 Catholics. Here is a link to The Beacon, which is the Diocesan Newspaper.
Catholic Charities in the diocese Network - Catholic Charities has 88 programs, serving close to 60,000 individuals in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union Counties. Among their programs are: counseling and support services for at-risk youth and their families; psychological and psychiatric help for those with mental illness; job training for those who are cognitively disabled; childhood education for preschoolers in Newark, Bloomfield and Elizabeth; emergency shelter for the homeless and for those who are HIV-positive; affordable housing for low-income families; immigration legal services; refugee resettlement; adoption services.
Housing, Food Pantries, Legal Services, Veterans Services and More
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program: Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) provides funds to assist low-income households with water and wastewater bills.
Family Promise of Sussex - Incorporated in 1997, Family Promise of Sussex County has provided services to assist families and single men and women as they work towards housing stability and self-sufficiency.
In Eva’s Kitchen - The Kitchen now serves a nutritious breakfast and lunch for up to 400 individuals and is open 365 days a year. In addition to the meals served to guests in our Kitchen, daily meals are prepared for the 350 men, women and mothers with children who reside in our recovery and sheltering programs, amounting to 1,300 meals each day.
CUMAC - CUMAC has been fighting hunger for over 30 years. With the help of their supporters and community partners, CUMAC operates an impressive array of programs that serve as a social safety net within the community of Paterson and beyond.
Mental Health Association in New Jersey - The Mental Health Association in New Jersey strives for mental health for children and adults through advocacy, education, training, and services. The vision of the MHANJ is a statewide community in which people with mental illnesses can achieve full potential, free from stigma and other barriers to care and recovery.
NAMI - NAMI Sussex is an all-volunteer 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that provides support, education and advocacy throughout Sussex County, NJ on behalf of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
New Hope Village 4 Veterans - The mission of New Hope Village 4 Veterans is to assist and provide opportunities for Homeless and or Disabled Veteran families toward regaining stability in their lives by offering transitional or permanent apartments and social services. Their skilled professionals come equipped with love and compassion, which they believe is a minimal reward in exchange for the services our men and women gave already to our country.
Northeast New Jersey Legal Services - LSNJ coordinates the statewide Legal Services system, which provides free legal assistance to low-income New Jerseyans for their civil legal problems. Through its work, LSNJ strives to secure substantive and procedural justice for those living in poverty.
OPERATION CHILLOUT - is an all-volunteer outreach dedicated to ending to the crisis of homelessness for veterans, men, and women throughout New Jersey and parts of NE Pennsylvania.
Salvation Army of Passaic - They are an inclusive community offering both church and social services. Though anyone is welcome to attend our church services, we extend our hand of service to those in need who live in Albion Place, Allwood, Clifton, Garfield, Passaic and Wallington.
Saint Peter’s Haven - Established in 1986 as a ministry of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Clifton, St. Peter’s Haven is a non-sectarian, 501(c)(3) organization operating both a food pantry and transitional family shelter.
In the 21st - The Urban League was formed “to improve [the] social, economic, and moral conditions” of black workers escaping Jim Crow oppression, who found that discrimination had followed them northward, despite the greater opportunities. Urban League of Essex County century ULEC has engaged with Essex County residents to find out how they are doing and what they need most to thrive.
Veterans Affairs Clinic, Paterson - This clinic from the US Department of Veterans Affairs features primary care services for veterans in the New Jersey and surrounding areas, Behavioral Health services including individual, group and family counseling, and highly qualified primary care providers, with specialty care referrals to the East Orange and Lyons Campuses.
Veteran’s Haven North - Veteran’s Haven North is comprised of a diverse team of professionals specializing in psychosocial rehabilitation, social services, addictions, vocational rehabilitation, and nursing. All treatment is individualized with the purpose of attaining realistic life goals and instilling hope and wellness to maximize community reintegration.
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice - Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) was created in 2001 as a program of the Legal Services Foundation of Essex County to provide direct legal representation to residents of Essex County, New Jersey. Today, VLJ provides free legal services throughout the state with more than 1,500 attorneys and paralegals who volunteer their time for one or more of VLJ’s legal programs.
New Jersey Disability Links
The Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities – The Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities (ABCD) is a New Jersey-based non-partisan not for profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with complex physical and neurological developmental disabilities so that they may have the opportunity to attain the highest level of purpose and dignity.
Camp New Day – Camp New Day provides respites and vacations for individuals with developmental disabilities, providing indoor and outdoor recreational activities that cater to all levels of client functionality.
Disability Benefits 101 NJ – Disability Benefits 101. The Benefits and Work Calculator is for people aged 18-64 using public disability benefits. You can use the Benefits and Work Calculator on the site to find out how a job may affect your total income and your health coverage.
Disability Rights, NJ – DRNJ is a private, consumer directed organization established to advocate for people with disabilities, promote public awareness and recognition, advise and assist persons with disabilities and provide education and resources.
Division of Developmental Disabilities, NJ – DDD has been providing and funding services for state residents with developmental disabilities since 1959. Here is a link of important DDD Resources including Provider Forms and information about Danielle’s Law.
Elizabeth Boggs Center - The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities is New Jersey’s federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD). The Boggs Center is part of the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department of Pediatrics. Since its inception in 1983, The Center has emphasized a community based, life span approach to meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
New Jersey Association of Community Providers – The NJACP is a community of providers “dedicated to advancing sustainable community based agencies that enrich lives and build futures for thousands of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout New Jersey.”
New Jersey Department of Human Services, Supports Program Policies and Procedures, a Quick Guide for Families - The Supports Program was developed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services' Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), which provides public funding for certain services that assist eligible New Jersey adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, age 21 and older, to live as independently as possible.
NJ211 – NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance and more.
Planning for Adult Life - Planning for Adult life is a statewide project funded by the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to assist young adults (between the ages of 16-21) with developmental disabilities and their families in charting a life course for adulthood. Thet offer a variety of resources including Informational sessions, webinars, and resource guides/materials.
Other Disability Resources
ADA.gov – This site offers information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation.
Alzheimer’s Association – The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Here is a link, published by the Alzheimer’s Association, on Down Syndrome and Dementia.
Annual Disability Statistics Compendium - The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium is a web-based tool that pools disability statistics published by various federal agencies together in one place.
Coping with Disabilities Guide - This guide includes the legal rights of person's with disabilities, an overview of the more popular types of disabilities and comprehensive list of apps and software programs appropriate for each type and financial aid available for them. This will help many differently abled students get by in school especially those who are transitioning from high school to college.
Creating a Home Where Your Child with Disabilities can Thrive - This guide from HomeCity Real Estate provides tips to modify your home to help meet the needs of your child with disabilities.
Disability.Gov Education Information – Offers National and State information on Disability Education.
Disability Scoop - "The Premier Source for Developmental Disability News", founded in 2008, Disability Scoop is the nation’s largest news organization devoted to covering developmental disabilities. With daily coverage of autism, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and more, no other news source offers a more timely and comprehensive take on the issues that matter to the developmental disability community.
Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities - Assistive Technology and disaster preparedness for people with sensory disabilities.
Do2Learn – Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – This site offers information about Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) which are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
Interactive Autism Network - IAN, the Interactive Autism Network, was established in January 2006 at Kennedy Krieger Institute. IAN's goal is to facilitate research that will lead to advancements in understanding and treating autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
Job Accommodation Network - The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
Keeping People with Disabilities Safe around Construction - By following the recommendations of the ADA, as well as recommended safety protections established by national safety organizations, the risk of a pedestrian with disabilities injury at a construction site can be mitigated.
Learning Disability’s Association of America - The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) is a national network of volunteers with thousands of members including individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and the professionals who work with them.
Legal Resources for People with Special Needs - Legal concerns of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are sometimes left unheard. This guide is designed to provide information about what legal concerns people with disabilities might face and how to address them appropriately.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI "educates, advocates, listens and leads" people with mental illness, their families, educators and professionals. 30-35% of all persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities are estimated to have a psychiatric disorder.
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) - NCHPAD seeks to help people with disability and other chronic health conditions achieve health benefits through increased participation in all types of physical and social activities, including fitness and aquatic activities, recreational and sports programs, adaptive equipment usage, and more.
National Down Syndrome Society - The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome.
National Fragile X Foundation – The National Fragile X Foundation unites the Fragile X community to enrich the lives of people with Fragile X, promote public and professional awareness and to advance research toward improved treatments and a cure for Fragile X.
Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities – Possibilities is a website that has a wealth of information on special needs planning. Here is a specific subpage on Special Needs Trusts.
Sibling Support Project – The Sibling Support Project is a national effort dedicated to the life-long concerns of brothers and sisters of people who have special health, developmental, or mental health concerns
Social Security – Offers information about benefits for people with disabilities, frequently asked questions and the option to apply for benefits.
Social Security Disability Help – The Social Security Disability application process can be very difficult to navigate. This blog can help you with some of your inquiries.
Special Needs Planning Guide (Ameriprise Financial) – A handy guide for parents and individuals with special needs. Includes information for finding care, special needs trusts, and estate planning.
Sprout – A year-round travel program for people with developmental disabilities.
Teacher's Success Guide - This site is a great resource for all educators, including those who teach special needs students.
Teacher Resources for Special Needs Students - Inform yourself about curriculum strategies and classroom management for students with different learning needs. This site has information for teaching students with ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, Giftedness, and Handicaps.
The Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Needs (NADD) – NADD is a membership association established for professionals, care providers and families to promote understanding of and services for individuals who have developmental disabilities and mental health needs.
The National Disability Rights Network - the NDRN advocates for the enactment and enforcement of laws protecting civil and human rights of people with disabilities.
Voya Cares - Voya is committed to being a leader in making a positive difference in the lives of individuals with special needs and disabilities - as well as their families, caregivers and other providers - they offer a depth of resources focused on education, planning and solutions through their Voya Cares® program
Please Note:
Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Paterson is not responsible for the content of external websites. We do not produce or maintain them and they can be changed without our knowledge or agreement.
We select links that are relevant to the services that we provide. We do not link to external sites in return for donations, services or any other consideration in kind. We only add links recommended and reviewed by staff.